. . . but I DO have a $50 gift certificate to Sephora! Thanks Mom, what a perfect Christmas present.
So, any suggestions on how I should spend it? I will be purchasing some new performance foundation (I use Aromaleigh mineral foundation for day to day). I have oily skin that is, unfortunately, more sensitive and acne prone than when I was a teenager. My last performance foundation was Lorac's Oil Free, which is no longer available. I took a look at the site, and here is what shows up under Sephora's oil free foundation list. They have a different Lorac one listed, and I'm intrigued by the Clinique ones because my mom has used Clinique most of her life (definitely all of mine) and she loves it (and also has oily skin, though clearer than mine).
If anyone has foundation recommendations for a stage foundation, from Sephora or not, for oily and troubled skin, I've love to hear it! I do prefer ones without SPF because sun block can make me flush, so I prefer to be able to use it or not as it's needed, not have it in my foundation all the time.
I'm also thinking of an eye shadow primer, though I will admit I was unimpressed by Urban Decay's. It didn't work all that well on me and I felt there was not a lot of product in the tube and it ran out FAST! Now, I like Smashbox's Photo Finish* face primer, so perhaps their eye primer would be a good thing to go for? I've also recently heard good things about using the MAC neutral colored Paint Pots as a primer. Either way, I think I will pick up a concealer brush (I do have one for foundation already, but do I ever use it? No.)
Last, I need a good red performance lipstick. This is going to be a tough one. My skin has yellow undertones, I tan in a heartbeat, and I have some redness across my cheeks. I look better in warm tones than cool. I know I'll have to go check out lots of colors, but any recommendations for brands (Sephora or not) that are long lasting would be great! I've tried the two step lip colors with the base that sticks and the gloss that goes on top, but man, talk about dry flaky lips! I so think something with a bit of a shimmer is best (or should I add gloss on top) because I have small lips and matte lipstick makes me look all pinched and mean mouthed. Right now I have a nice copper-brown color, though I think it can be a bit too dark, and I have a great fuschia red from Bed Head, Passion. I guess I'm looking for something classic that can go with any of my eye shadows or costumes.
Makeda, I'm expecting you'll have some input for me?
* Thanks to The Tribal Dancer Sharon for introducing me to the world of foundation primers via her LJ!
ETA: A pic, I'm on the right, see my small mouth! There are other pics from that set where I'm smiling. Thank you to the awesome photographer, the whole set rocks!
Another ETA: Paulette, while reading your book I noticed it appears Noralita has the same bat necklace Thorn used in her dance costuming.
My mom has oily skin and uses Clinique too. I think she uses something that comes in a compact like a cream-to-powder foundation?
I like the Urban Decay Primer Potion, but last time I was in Sephora I also tried Too Faced new thing. I guess it's like tinted primer? It comes in a little tube. I like it because it's sparkly, but I don't know how it wears with sweating and more eyeshadow piled on top.
Mac - Ruby Woo - that's the shit red lipstick
We used Ruby Woo on Fannie. Its' pinker/orangier than my Russian Red. Trixie wears it. For a big mouth look, you want to go matte, and yes, you have to draw outside the lip line a bit. I tarted up Miss Joule that way and she's never gone back.
oops - I reread your comment about the matte. But Matte bright, not dark will work. Trust me. Try the Woo. Gloss works for reflection and improving the look of roundedness, but if highly reflective, can also interrupts the color and therefore look of thickness. For your Sephora spending, stick with the primers, powders, a set of lashes...I walk away and wear test everything for a few hours before I buy.
I was a skin care expert and makeup artist at Sephora for 2 years! Re: The foundation: I would stick with LORAC, the one without SPF. http://tiny.cc/4koiz
The LORAC Oil Free was the ONLY one I would have used while I was there (you know how sensitive MY skin is). I didn't even know it was discontinued! I do NOT recommend Clinique. They may be one of the most popular brands, but they have the most unnecessary ingredients, making them a nightmare for sensitive skin.
For primer, I recommend Benefit's Dr. Feelgood. It does a great job at keeping shine down. I was originally using Shiseido Pureness Mattifying Stick (which I like a little better), but they don't sell it at Sephora anymore, you have to go to Macy's.
I agree with Flissy re: the eyeshadow primer, you should use something that does double duty. I use Origins stick eyeshadow (it's really sparkly but also a really dry cream, so it sticks and does the same job as a separate eyelid primer). I use a gold or silver. Something even better that you can get at Sephora is Shiseido's Hydro-powder eyshadow:
I have a few pots of this, and they last FOREVER!!!
By the way, ANYTHING Shiseido is fabulous, in case you were wondering. I currently use their concealer pencil (for zits), which covers beautifully, doesn't make me break out, and also comes in a light enough color for me (difficult to do!)
For undereye concealer, I concur with Naomi that Makeup Forever is the BEST. It blends IMPECCABLY and stays on and on.
For your lipstick...you kind of HAVE to do matte, or it won't stay on. You can cover with a gloss. A GREAT thing is Nars' fat Velvet Matte Lip pencil. It's soft, smooth, and unbelievably long lasting, and DOES NOT MOVE, even with gloss. There are 4 great reds to choose from:
Take my advice...you won't be sorry!!! xoxo M
Thanks for the insider scoop!
Okay, I'm not sure about foundation because I've never bought foundations from Sephora, other than bareEscentuals.
For primer, try Laura Geller's Spackle. It's great stuff. As is Make Up For Ever's primer.
I love Ruby Woo for a red lipstick. MAC has the best red lipsticks in the world. But if you're at Sephora, try NARS' Velvet Matte pencil in Cruella. Or try Kat Von D lipstick. I like it a lot.
Eye primer: Too Faced Shadow Insurance. I have fallen in love with it. Much better than UDPP.
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