July 13-14 there are two amazing weekends of workshops going on, one in Baltimore and one in Philadelphia. First up is ReOrient: Artistic Perceptions of the Middle East.

This is being sponsored by my current teacher Shems and two other local dancers (I am proud to call my friends), Nina and Ariel. I am hoping to hit one workshop on Saturday, Aszmara's Stage Dynamics. I may miss the Sunday show, since I'll be out of town, but I am encouraging everyone to see it. Not only will the dancing be awesome but the Creative Alliance is a fantastic intimate venue.
The same weekend Hipnosis in Philadelphia is sponsoring Paulette Rees-Denis of Gypsy Caravan for two days of workshops.

I'll be traveling to Philly with my friend Flissy to take Day #2. After reading Paulette's book Tribal Vision I am really looking forward to meeting her in person!
Then, July 18-19, Mirage Trio of Westminster, MD is hosting Kassar (a tribal duo from New Jersey) and Ali (of n.o.madic tribal from New Orleans) for two days of workshops in Frederick, MD.

I had the pleasure to take a day of workshops with Ali last summer, and her teaching has been an huge inspiration to me. Two years ago I took (with Flissy) a duo choreography class with Kassar while at Tribeoriginal and it kicked my butt. Check out both workshops if you can, I'll be attending Day #2 (unfortunately being unemployed means I'm having to pick and choose my workshops very carefully, so I don't get to do it all).
Now, go forth and dance!
I finally paid for Sunday with Paulette!! Yay!
I just put some money in the bank today, so that's what I'm doing tomorrow!
I'm sorry you won't be at the ReOrient show. I'll be there and I would have loved to hang out.
BTW - I am buzzing with excitement over that because Pete List will be there. He is my Beatbox Bellydance Boyfriend. The first time I ever saw him at Raks East, I fell head over heels and told Jahzaal, "OMG. That dude is now my 'Beatbox Bellydance Boyfriend." Yeah. She went right over to his table afterward and brought him over and told him that in front of my face. I near 'bout died. I've so far been too chicken to go up to Spring Caravan and get onstage to dance to his beatboxing. Maybe next year.
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